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Tea School: Intensive Series - Taiwan

We are very pleased to announce that our Taiwan Intensive Workshop series will be presented by Tania Stacey. The workshops will be delivered through video conferencing facilities and supported in-person by Kym Cooper. The detailed description of the 3 workshops available as part of our Taiwan series is outlined below. 

For more information about Tania Stacey please read her bio at the bottom of the page. 


Workshop 1: Taiwan - an introduction ($70 / $200 series of 3)

  • History of the tea industry – Chinese immigrants, first commercial shipment to America, Japanese influence, the role of TRES, recognition in the world production standards and growth of organic
  • Famous Teas of Taiwan – their history and development
  • Tea Regions of Taiwan – the old and new
  • Classification of Taiwan Teas – Rolling, oxidation, baking
  • Cupping and reviewing Taiwan Teas – Flavour profiles of each classification 


Workshop 2: Taiwan - an in-depth study - what makes Taiwan so innovative? ($70 / $200 series of 3)

  • Modern Taiwan – the rise of next generation tea farmers and their goals
  • Cultivars of Taiwan – old classics and new styles. Why tea farmers choose some cultivars over other types
  • Revised the Classification of Taiwan Teas with the cultivar knowledge
  • Production styles – two Taiwanese style of Oolong production
  • Grading Taiwanese Oolongs – know what makes a good tea and identifying the fakes through an advanced cupping session


Workshop 3: Brewing – leaf, water and equipment ($70 / $200 series of 3)

  • The importance of Advance cupping to know the tea
  • Keeping a cupping log
  • Find the steeping parameters
  • Hot tea service – Gaiwan or Teapot
  • Cold brew service or multiple infusions chilled Tea
  • Service equipment – what are your options 


Tania Stacey Bio | Owner of Cuppa Cha and Tea Knowledge YouTube Channel

Tania Stacey | Cuppa Cha

Tania regularly travels to Asia to immerse herself in the tea world to study tea cultivars and processes. Her specialty and passion is Taiwanese Teas, as the spectrum of aromas and flavours captured her interest early in her tea study. In Australia, Tania works with other tea professionals to support the Addicts and Lovers of Tea with her Youtube Tea Knowledge channel.

Her pop up sessions set in private locations have become popular for tea lovers to learn and taste quality pure leaf tea. Like sitting around a campfire to tell and share life’s adventures, the tea gatherings holds the same sense of connection for Tania. Delving deeper into the tea world to find out more about what makes tea so extraordinary and to deliver this information in a fun and interactive manner is her objective. Tea is fun, beautiful, and delicious and should be seamlessly integrated into our daily living at cafes, bars, restaurants and home.