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Floral Lapsang Souchong (unsmoked)

Floral Lapsang Souchong

Black Tea from China

This unsmoked lapsang souchong is medium-bodied, smooth and comforting black tea.

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This unsmoked lapsang souchong is medium-bodied, smooth and comforting black tea. With a high floral aroma and sweet finish reminiscent of honey.

The cultivar used for this tea is typically used in the production of oolong and is delightful used in making this black tea.

Origin: An Yuan village, Wuyi Shan, Fujian province, China

Flavour profile: Medium-bodied | Floral | Honey

Harvest: Spring2024

Cultivar:  Huang Guan Yin

Tea Master: Ms Chen

The Wuyi mountain ranges are located in both Fujian and Jiangxi province. The Fujian province has a long history of tea cultivation of Lapsang Souchong.

Wuyi Shan is a mountainous area that is naturally protected and provides favourable growing conditions. The region has relatively high humidity levels, high rainfall and fog is common.

Elevation: 500m

A refined, complex black tea that has a well-balanced fruity and floral profile that combine for sweet finish and a rich, creamy mouth feel. 

Leaf appearance: Medium-large twisted leaves that have a charcoal grey appearance.

Aroma: The aroma is distinctly floral.

Liquor colour: Deep orange-red

Brewing & Storage

Store in an airtight container away from light, heat and moisture. 

Brewing Method Amount Temperature Time Infusions
Western 2-3g / 150mL 90˚C-95˚C 3-5 min 2-3
Gong Fu Cha 3-4g / 100mL 90˚C-95˚C First brew: 20s Subsequent: 25-50s 3+