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Qi Lan

Water Sprite

Oolong Tea from China

Our Qi Lan is sweet and thick with notes of cinnamon and almond.

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Our Qi Lan is sweet and thick with notes of cinnamon and almond. The aftertaste is distinct reminiscent of brown sugar and honeysuckle.

Origin: Da Shui keng Village, Fujian province, China

Flavour profile: Sweet | Floral | Almond

Processing highlights: 2 times medium roast. Qi Lan was introduced into the Wuyi Mountain region from Pinghe County, Southern Fujian in the 1990s (pinzhong). 

Harvest: 28.04.2025

Cultivar: Qi Lan

Tea Master: Chen Family

Wuyi Shan is a mountainous area that is naturally protected and provides favourable growing conditions. The region has relatively high humidity levels, high rainfall and fog is common. The tea bushes are around 80 years old.

Elevation: 400-500m

Our Qi Lan is a strip style Wuyi rock oolong with classic mineral notes. A well balanced, velvety tea that has long lasting sweetness. A flowery orchid aroma and cinnamon taste.

Leaf appearance: Uniform brown-black leaves rolled strip style

Aroma: A flowery bouquet reminiscent of orchids  

Liquor colour: Orange Yellow


Brewing & Storage

Store in an airtight container away from light, heat and moisture. 

Brewing Method Amount Temperature Time Infusions
Western 2-3g / 150mL 90˚C-95˚C 2-3 min 2-3
Gong Fu Cha 4-6g / 100mL 90˚C-95˚C First brew: 20s Subsequent: 20-50s 4+
Cold Brew 6-8g / 500mL Refridgerate Overnight (approximately 8hrs) 2+