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Tea education programme: Intensive Series - Japan

We are very pleased to announce that our Japan Intensive Workshop series will be presented by Misato Furumiya. The workshops will be delivered in person and supported by Kym Cooper. The detailed description of the 3 workshops available as part of our Japan intensive series is outlined below. Each workshop is 2 hours duration. 


Workshop 1: Japan - an introduction ($70 / $200 series of 3)

  • understanding the different kinds of Japanese green tea

  • understanding how to brew these teas

We will explore a range of Japanese green teas by tasting different styles of infusion and appreciating the distinctive flavour profile of these teas. You will be given access to the authentic tools used in Japanese green tea brewing and will be given a hands-on brewing lesson and an opportunity to practice preparing and enjoying Japanese green tea yourself. 


Workshop 2: Japan - a deeper exploration ($70 / $200 series of 3)

There are more than 100 different cultivars of Japanese green tea. In this workshop we will talk about the unique cultivars with a view for you to understand their importance and enhance your curiosity for further exploration. We will taste a few different cultivars and characterise them. You will also learn about the chemical constituents and potential health benefits to deepen your understanding of tea. You will be given the opportunity to continue practicing brewing Japanese green tea.


Workshop 3: Japanese tea – cultural appreciation and current trends ($70 / $200 series of 3)

In the third workshop you will learn more about the history of Japanese green tea and its cultural significance. You will learn how the tea roots have spread across Japanese culture over centuries. We will also study variance in tea drinking, methods of production, cultivar development, and take a look at some of the modern tea trends for Japan. You will have an opportunity to continue your practice of Japanese tea brewing.  

Misato Furumiy | Certified Japanese Green Tea Instructor & Japan Tea Goodwill Ambassador

The Steepery Tea Co. - Misato Furumiy