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Hello and welcome to The Steepery Tea Co’s blog Tealosophy. Exploring, learning and musing the world of tea whilst appreciating many steeps along the way.

Tea Learnings whilst in pursuit of exceptional examples of Jasmine Dragon Pearls

By Kym Cooper. Posted

Jasmine Dragon Pearls (also known as Buddha's Tears or Mo Li Hua Long Zhu) is a seemingly straight forward scented green tea. But it has become clear to me that it is so much more.  I have considered removing it from my tea catalogue many times. But people love this tea, for me personally it offers a familiar happiness around those rare Chinese restaurant visits I had as a child. Plus when you understand the effort and care that goes into creating a traditionally scented tea I can not abandon it.  For anyone that hasn't experienced a Jasmine scented green tea...

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A collection of Japanese Teas you must try 🗻⛩️🎌

By Kym Cooper. Posted

There is no mistaking that something happened when I visited Japan for an intensive tea study tour last year. Without going into a huge amount of detail in this week's blog somehow I have grown The Steepery Tea Co's tea catalogue to include 10 Japanese teas. Can you believe it??!!  Whilst I love traditional Japanese green teas with all their savoury, thick and umami-ness I have to say I skirt the fringes with some of my other selections in my tea catalogue. So to help you navigate my unique collection of Japanese teas here is a little guide.  I only...

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From small ideas great things can grow...drumroll 🥁...East Forged Pty Ltd

By Kym Cooper. Posted

There is no doubt that East Forged has been the largest endeavour I have put myself to task since founding The Steepery Tea Co. (or even completing my Chartered Accountant certification). And in terms of ambition and timeline, East Forged Pty Ltd should outgrow my little micro business in the not so distant future (fingers crossed 🤞🏼).  These types of projects are not tackled alone and to be honest the journey has been made so much more enjoyable because it has been shared with my partner in crime, Tania Stacey. Tania and I first connected over our mutual passion for pure leaf...

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3 reasons our direct sourced single-cultivar matcha will delight and surprise you

By Kym Cooper. Posted

After a few months waiting we are happy to share that a fresh shipment of matcha has arrived in stock. Our matcha comes to you directly from a wonderful producer that we know our Australian tea and Brisbane tea communities will thoroughly enjoy. With most things we do at The Steepery Tea Co. our sourcing decisions are ultimately made by our connection with the producers and their stories. We lean towards innovative and sustainable farming practices and are particularly interested in single-cultivar teas. To be honest we had no intention to source matcha during our tea study tour to Japan (2018)...

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2019 Brisbane BrewIN 🍃 Creating the momentum for pure leaf tea

By Kym Cooper. Posted

Mark it in your diaries...the Brisbane BrewIN 🍃 will be taking place on June 22 from 9am-2pm at Wandering Cooks. The BrewIN is designed to offer those new and emerging Teaists an opportunity to connect on a deeper level with pure leaf tea. After a successful trial last year, the BrewIN returns, with the mission to enrich the local tea community with an elevated and engaged tea experience. Our highly curated list of tea specialists and practitioners taking part will allow you to experience many aspects the world of tea has to offer all under one roof.  If you have been...

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